Friday, February 11, 2011

APOD 3.4

Picture from February 9, 2011

This stunning photo depicts the star-forming nebula of NGC 2174. So-called "Stellar Nurseries" such as this are large clouds of gas that condense in areas to form new stars. Overall, however, the gas structures are much less dense than they look, having only a small fraction of the density of air on Earth. These areas stand out in space, though, because the gas is still many times more dense than the surrounding interstellar medium. This particular region of NGC 2174 is located some 6,400 light years away in the constellation of Orion the Hunter, and if visible to the naked eye, the area would appear as large as the full moon in the night sky. A phenomenon is occurring, though, in which radiation from the nearby stars is slowly dispersing the surrounding dust, and eventually these celestial mountains of gas will be no more.

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