Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reflection on AstronomyCast Episode 210

The topic of this episode was the Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. The hosts discussed how, despite having to overcome challenging terrain and dust storms, the rovers are far exceeding expectations. I personally believe that the mission's success in terms of scientific merit as well as its surprising longevity are signs that future investment in similar missions would be a wise course of action. The insight that the rovers have provided to us into the geology and history of the red planet has been invaluable. Even early into the mission, one of the main goals, finding evidence of previous water on Mars, was accomplished. Additionally, the length of the mission, which was originally supposed to last only about 3 months, was able to be greatly extended. Both rovers are still operational today, and even though the rover Spirit is currently immobilized, it is still being used as a stationary research outpost to monitor the Martian atmosphere and weather. In light of these facts, it would appear that the rover mission has been very cost effective in the sense that NASA has been able to glean much information for its investment. Therefore, I am definitely a proponent of further exploration missions to Mars, especially since the planet may one day play an important role in human history.

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